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Farm/ Grow operation: 
Indoor Cannabis Grow, Soil
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Objective of showcase: 

To demonstrate how much extra density and growth the Buds of the Cannabis plants can receive in a determined amount of space. We wanted to see a comparison of the bud in an established area and measure the extra production in order to determine the extra value. To clearly show enhanced benefits directly around the AGS2.

It must be stated that the SOP used by grower was using somewhat counter productive SOP's that that of which can utilize the AgroSonics frequency better. Grower broke off extra growth from treated plants in vegging room because he wanted his plants to be the same size going into flowering room. He also cut a number of flower nodes from bottom of plant because they wouldn't get maximum light. He was limited in the height of the roof in the flowering room which was low.

Type of plant(s): 
Cannabis - Pyramid Og
Approach of installation: 

We sectioned out 4 racks of the same strain that came from the same vegging plants. We continued to use the treated vegged plants to the now treated flowering plants, and section the entire amount of plants into 4 racks. We placed two units at the base of two cannabis plants in one rack, while leaving the other 3 racks near by no direct AgroSonic treatment.


Out of the 2700 grams from those plants as wet material, over 7000 grams, an extra 350 grams, came from the rack that had 2 units.

Saturday, May 25, 2024