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SS 3 - Rincón - Field Testing

This was our third sample we looked at. The light came on strong, brighter our first two samples. This indicated that the soil had high EC and great microbial activity. We found the ideal soil to use for our plants! We noticed that there was a rotting tree by this soil and that it got good shade. This led us to believe that the microbes were using the decomposing trees organic matter (OM) as food and that the extra shade from the sun that area received helped to retain the moisture better in the soil. The combination for plenty OM and shade seems to be an ideal breeding ground for microbes to thrive, thus resulting in a higher quality soil for us to use for our plants.

Soil Hunting in Rincón - Soil Sample 3

Showcase reference: 
Earthlight Reading: 
Bright Green
No Earthworms
Soil Structure: 
Confirmation Code: 