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Elemental Ohm demonstrating Sonotropic Behavior with AGS2-EC

Elemental Ohm
Farm/ Grow operation: 
Green house
Objective of showcase: 

Demonstrating the ability to use the new AGS2-EC (carbon microbial powered AgroSonics), we wanted to show the effects of Sonotropic behavior. Devon, from Elemental Ohm, started witnessing sonotropic behavior first with his tomato plants. He decided to test it out by applying AGS2-EC to a fresh batch of potato plants. He wanted to see if indeed the plants would lean toward the sound and if he could demonstrate this very clearly. To his excitement the plants drastically leaned toward the sound of the AGS2-EC very quickly. He took the study further to see of he could make the plants lean the straighten up by placing the AGS2-EC unit on the opposite side where it was originally installed. He got superb results. He took it further and observed if he could make the plants bend back and fourth by switching the side the AGS2-EC was installed back and fourth to see how the plants would react. The results are astonishing.

See our blogpost for more information regarding Sonotropic behavior:
Click here to learn more about Sonotropic behavior

Type of plant(s): 
Golden Sweet Potatoes
Approach of installation: 

10 starter pots were planted with Golden Sweet Potatoes plants and placed in a rectangular tray. AGS2-EC was installed at the right side of the tray inside a greenhouse. The AGS2-EC was then placed alternatively on opposite sides of the tray to see the reaction of the Golden Sweet Potatoes plants. An Arrow was placed on the side of the tray indicating the original direction and side the AGS2-EC was placed next to tray. Plants are planted in a pots with soil.

The AGS2-EC is a living carbon based battery ultrasonic frequency, sensor, and LED emitter.


After first 48 hours of being next to AGS2-EC the all the potato plants were clearly leaning in the same direction toward the sound of the unit. To make sure that this was not a coincidence Devon placed the AGS2-EC unit on the opposite side of the tray. After another 48 hours the plants were observed to start straightening up. After another 48 hours the plants were all significantly straighter then their original leaning positions. After another 48 hours you could see a significant difference of plants position toward the opposite direction leaning toward the AGS2-EC. Unit was then placed on the opposite side agin, after another 48 house plants were not only taller but started to lean again more drastically toward the AGS2-EC. Because plants were taller the bend is even more noticeable. After another 48 hours plants were leaning toward the sound more dramatically than before.

This was a clear indication that the plants were leaning toward the sound more than light. Usually plants lean towards the light, however we have clearly demonstrated that the plants prefer the sound frequencies of AGS2-EC combined with the light, more than light alone. From this showcase we proved that we are able to use a sustainable regenerative clean energy source to boost agriculture production and demonstrate that plants prefer the AGS2-EC with light VS light alone.

Sunday, August 28, 2022 to Sunday, September 11, 2022
AgroSonics Reference: