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Organic Cannabis & Vegetables

This was my first time growing cannabis since first coming to Oregon. I planted this in my vegetable garden. In that garden I strategically placed 4 AgroSonics units spaced at about 12 feet from one another and 6 feet from each of three cannabis plants. I have spent most of my years in the tropics, and I am new to temperate farming. So this is my first garden in a cooler climate. It was on soil which was under evergreen trees which were cut down. In order to balance the ph, I added 50 lbs of oyster shell, and tilled it into the virgin soil.

Cannasseur Boys

Cannasseur Boys is a team of cannabis growing consultants that consult for a grow operation called Best Buds. In our indoor grow we verified these results in a 2000 ft2 room utilizing 15 AgroSonic units 8 feet apart from each other in a grid pattern. Without AgroSonics yield was 80 lbs. With AgroSonics yield was 104 lbs. 11 plants per row, 32 rows, 352 plants. A special pruning method was used to make bottom buds the same quality as the top buds. All the yellowing leafs on the clones turned into taller green healthier leaves in under a week.



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